Counterfeit Pax 2 Vaporizer Review

In this review, we’re going to share with you what we think about the fake Pax 2 vaporizer. So if you’re interested in learning more about this counterfeit version of the original, continue reading.

Counterfeit Pax 2 Vaporizer – Worth the Risk?

We’re going to kick things off by saying we strongly advise against buying any counterfeit vaporizer. When you buy a counterfeit you’re not only supporting counterfeiters, you’re also taking on some personal risk. As counterfeits aren’t held to the same standards as the real versions they’re attempting to knock off, you run the risk of potential health hazards and product failures.

What About Support?

And if you do happen to run into an issue, you can bet your money that neither the counterfeiter nor the authentic version’s manufacturer will provide you with support because you’re not covered under any real warranty. But if you buy the real Pax 2, you will receive support if you run into any issues because every single one that is purchased from an authorized dealer is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

So even though it might seem like you’re getting a deal, in the long run, you’re not only placing yourself at risk, but you’re also buying an inferior product. Looking at the Pax 2 vaporizer in particular, the counterfeits are cheap knockoffs made to look exactly like the real thing, but they’re not. The real version, the one made by San Francisco based Pax Labs, is a superior product. Don’t waste your money on a fake. Do yourself a favor and get the real McCoy. After all, with a fake, you never know what you’re really vaping. For all you know, it could be made with materials that are hazardous to your health.

Get the Real McCoy

If you’re looking to avoid accidentally picking up a fake, we suggest you buy from this shop as they are an authorized dealer, so you can rest assured that you’re not only getting a real deal but that it’s covered under warranty.

For those who have unfortunately found themselves the victim of a counterfeiting operation and unknowingly purchased a fake version of this popular portable, we strongly advise against using it. They are rumored to have been constructed from poisonous materials that are hazardous to your health.

Also, the fake versions are rumored to run a little cooler than the originals, by about 10 degrees according to some estimates. So while you think you’re vaping at the highest setting, which is 420 degrees Fahrenheit, you’re actually vaping at about 410 degrees Fahrenheit.

Have you purchased a Pax but aren’t sure whether or not it’s the real deal? Take a look at our guide on how to spot a fake Pax.