exists to provide vaporizer reviews, comparisons, news, and other insights into the ever-changing world of vaping. We test and review vaporizers and accessories so you don’t have to. The opinions expressed herein are strictly our own.
Our mission is simple: to test, rate, compare and review vaporizers to determine the best vapes for all occasions. So if you’re looking for the right vape to fit your own unique requirements you’ve found the right site.
You can contact us through our website by visiting our Contact page. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and most other social media. Feel free to follow us if you’d like to keep up to date with the latest vaping trends, news and, of course, our reviews.
We rely on advertising revenue to sustain our effort. As a result, our website may include advertisements and affiliate links which add no additional cost to the products we recommend. You can learn more on the Disclaimer page.
Our promise to you is that we will be objective and honest in our reviews. Even if a manufacturer provides a sample for review it is not in our interest to mislead our readers to induce sales. Our success relies solely on your trust. In return, we ask that you click our embedded links when you decide to purchase a product. There is no cost to you for doing so and the dealers will then compensate us with a small commission for educating you on their products.